[Laryngeal diseases and surgery videos] VFSRAC SURGERY TECHNIQUE IN 3D VIDEO
17-06-12 11:17
Hope this could help you understand better about the uniqueness of this leading-edge voice feminization surgery technique invented and being performed solely by Dr. Kim at Yeson Voice Center. This Vocal Folds Shortening and Retrodiplacement of Anterior Commissure (VFSRAC) procedure is totally different from the glottoplasty which just shortens the vocal chords using the laser and absorbable sutures. The technique of shortening the vocal folds through the permanent sutures requires Dr. Kim's own knwoledge and know-how which have long been practiced and studied for a decade. This unique surgery techniuqe can give you the best feminine voice quality and the result is permanent as the your vocal folds are sutured out tight with nots which will stay there permanently but unseen on the surface. Please check out the video and contact us via english@yesonvc.com if you have any inquiries :) Thank you!