Vocal fold nodules are caused by strenuous or abusive
voice practices especially in those who use their voice in
their profession. In infants, it is very important to
distinguish nodules from vocal fold cyst and arrive at
proper diagnosis.
Continuous hoarseness and fatigue of the voice are symptoms of vocal fold nodules.
Through a scientific view, a vocal fold nodule developed in the center of a vocal fold
can be observed. The nodules are usually formed on areas of the vocal folds that
receive the most pressure when the folds come together and vibrate. Vocal fold
nodules do not grow over a certain size, and do not cause breathing difficulties.
It is important to receive a voice therapy which focuses on eliminating the abuse of the voice and teaches proper use of voice.
Nodules are often removed through voice therapy itself, and no surgeries are required. When nodules are not removed through voice therapy, surgical treatments are necessary.