Laryngeal Papillomas are benign epithelial tumors that are caused by infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV) of types 6 and 11. When there’s hormonal change due to an event like pregnancy, the symptom may deteriorate and very occasionally laryngeal papilloma can turn into malignant tumor. This can be induced from the radiotherapy or smoking as well.
Since the disease is most commonly found in children the disease may be caused by an infant contracting HPV from the mother during vaginal child birth. In addition, infections, hormones, genetic problem, nutrition imbalance could be the causes of laryngeal papilloma and its recurrence rate is higher than any other general benign tumors.
In adults the symptoms Laryngeal papillomatosis are hoarseness, or a strained or breathy voice. Size and placement of the tumors
dictate the change in the person's voice. Breathing difficulties may occur but more commonly are found in children.
Microlaryngeal surgery along with vistide (cidofovir) is used to remove laryngeal papilloma. In case the infected portion is large
and tumors are widely spread out, pulsed-dye-laser (PDL) laryngeal surgery is accompanied.