Hyung-tae Kim presented the physiological diagnostic characteristics of voice disorder using "high-speed digital video endoscopy" at the 80th Congress of Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. The 80th Congress of Korean Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery was held at the Sheraton Walker Hill Hotel, Seoul from October 27 to 28, 2006. The details of the paper are as follows.
Document title: Voice physiological diagnostic characteristics of voice disorder using high-speed digital video endoscopy
Objective: The high-speed digital video endoscopy is a very useful diagnostic method for phonetics and vocal fold diseases which captures video at a rate of 2000 frames per second of laryngeal vibration and allows a real-time observation of the vocal folds. The objective of this article is to prove the physilolgical characteristics and diagnostic effectiveness of the high-speed video endoscopy in benign vocal fold diseases and spasmodic dysphonia.
Methods: 519 patients with dysphonia who had been treated with the high-speed digital video endoscopy at Yeson Voice Center from November 2005 to August 2006. lAs the lesions that were not viewable with general video stroboscopy and digital laryngoscopy were observed with the high-speed video endoscopy, comparisons of the mucosal waves and observations of the vocal fold movement in phonation as well as the characteristics of voice physiological movements.
Results: Sulcus vocalis was found in 8 cases with the high-speed digital video endoscopic images, and irregular mucosal waves which were not diagnosed with laryngeal stroboscopy and digital laryngoscope were found in 21 cases of vocal disease patients. In spasmodic dysphonia patients, unusual changes of the continuance and irregularity of the vocal fold vibration depending on the type of laryngeal muscle where spasm occurred were displayed. Therefore, adductor spasmodic dysphonia could be classified into regular, irregular, and fixed types. This allowed the identification of the spastic muscle.
Conclusion: High-speed digital video endoscopy provides a new, practical way to examine the real-time laryngeal behavior and the mucosal wave. It is a very useful way for voice physiological diagnosis and the understanding of the function of vocal fold vibration.